Soma Girls

Soma Girls (2009) explores the lives of girls growing up in a hostel in Kolkata, India. From ages 6 to 17, the film follows these intelligent, funny and high-energy girls as they overcome extraordinary circumstances to lead ordinary lives.

First Christian Church

SOMA GIRLS Official Selection 2012 Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival

We were just informed today that the film will screen in Paris!!!! The festival isĀ CINEFFABLE: The Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival. Please check out their amazing site. I’ve read all the information about the fest and how it’s organized, why it was created, etc., and it sounds like a wonderful, wonderful venue, as well as a great party!

The idea of the festival is to have a place where lesbians and women can showcase their work without any competition from men. Therefore, only women can submit and attend. At first I was a little freaked out because I worried that it was going to be like the Michigan Women’s Music Fest and not include transsexuals, but the festival organizers are WAY ahead of me and I was grateful to read that all women who consider themselves women–no matter stage of transition they’re in if they’re transitioning–are welcome. This made my heart glow. I wouldn’t have attended the fest otherwise.

I’ll add more info like screening dates and times as soon as I know them!
